Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:
Name |
Email |
Holdings |
Date Joined |
Action |
Alfred Alan |
aalan@gmail.com |
$125,000.00 |
Jan 29, 1994 |
Edit | Delete |
Andrew Phips |
andyp@mycorp.com |
$240,000.00 |
Apr 12, 1997 |
Edit | Delete |
David Smart |
dsmart@johnsone.co.uk |
Edit | Delete |
Joe Tessel |
joet@yoodle.net |
$287,000.00 |
Edit | Delete |
Mick Cooper |
mcoper@gbh.com |
$125,000.00 |
Edit | Delete |
Oliver Thompson |
oliver.thompson@gmail.com |
$345,000.00 |
Nov 9, 2000 |
Edit | Delete |
Oscar Thompson |
oscar.thompson@gmail.com |
$345,000.00 |
Nov 9, 2000 |
Edit | Delete |
Paula Matthews |
paulam@robinson.com |
$348,700.00 |
Dec 23, 1984 |
Edit | Delete |
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