Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:
Name | Holdings | Date Joined | Action | |
David Anderson | david_anderson@faststream.net | $762,000.00 | Oct 3, 2001 | Edit | Delete |
Karren Romanolf | karrenr@albert.net | $284,230.00 | Feb 7, 1992 | Edit | Delete |
Oliver Thompson | oliver.thompson@gmail.com | $345,000.00 | Nov 9, 2000 | Edit | Delete |
Peter Williams | pwilliams@iinet.net.au | $150,000.00 | Edit | Delete | |
Sandra Nomi | snomi@gmail.com | $285,000.00 | Sep 17, 2001 | Edit | Delete |
Thong Tran | ttran@avion.net | $432,000.00 | Nov 20, 2005 | Edit | Delete |
Tom Holgate | tholgate@gate.com | $145,000.00 | Jan 29, 1987 | Edit | Delete |
Victor Simons | vsimons@zurich.com | $348,000.00 | Apr 19, 1994 | Edit | Delete |