Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:
Name | Holdings | Date Joined | Action | |
Albert Master | albert.master@gmail.com | $45,000.00 | Aug 3, 2004 | Edit | Delete |
Alison Smart | asmart@biztalk.com | $558,000.00 | Dec 25, 1993 | Edit | Delete |
Brad Cole | bradc@hotmail.com | Edit | Delete | ||
David Olders | david.olders@olders.com | $2,871,000.00 | Dec 2, 1989 | Edit | Delete |
Katie Lang | klang@rockit.net | Edit | Delete | ||
Malcolm Kilmore | mkilmore@scotts.com | $589,000.00 | Dec 24, 2005 | Edit | Delete |
Peter William | p_williams@alertson.com | $234,000.00 | May 28, 1996 | Edit | Delete |
Peter Williams | pwilliams@iinet.net.au | $150,000.00 | Edit | Delete |