Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:
Name | Holdings | Date Joined | Action | |
Alison Smart | asmart@biztalk.com | $558,000.00 | Dec 25, 1993 | Edit | Delete |
Andrew Phips | andyp@mycorp.com | $240,000.00 | Apr 12, 1997 | Edit | Delete |
Andy Mitchel | andym@hotmail.com | $1,250,400.00 | Apr 8, 1984 | Edit | Delete |
Ann Melan | ann_melan@iinet.com | $434,560.00 | Dec 5, 1986 | Edit | Delete |
Bensen Romanolf | benr@albert.net | $284,230.00 | Feb 7, 2002 | Edit | Delete |
Catherine Benchman | cathb@hotmail.com | $632,000.00 | May 4, 1997 | Edit | Delete |
David Dockery | davidd@yahoo.com | $4,500,000.00 | Jan 11, 1988 | Edit | Delete |
David Smart | dsmart@johnsone.co.uk | Edit | Delete |