Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:
Name |
Email |
Holdings |
Date Joined |
Action |
James Fisher |
james.filser@fisher.com |
$872,050.00 |
Feb 17, 2005 |
Edit | Delete |
Jamie Nestle |
jamien@yahoo.com |
$765,000.00 |
May 24, 2001 |
Edit | Delete |
Karren Romanolf |
karrenr@albert.net |
$284,230.00 |
Feb 7, 1992 |
Edit | Delete |
Mick Cooper |
mcoper@gbh.com |
$125,000.00 |
Edit | Delete |
Paula Matthews |
paulam@robinson.com |
$348,700.00 |
Dec 23, 1984 |
Edit | Delete |
Peter Williams |
pwilliams@iinet.net.au |
$150,000.00 |
Edit | Delete |
Petra Nomi |
pnomi@gmail.com |
$285,000.00 |
Sep 17, 2001 |
Edit | Delete |
Rhoda Mason |
rmason@gmail.com |
$2,400,000.00 |
Edit | Delete |
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