Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:
Name |
Email |
Holdings |
Date Joined |
Action |
Albert Master |
albert.master@gmail.com |
$45,000.00 |
Aug 3, 2004 |
Edit | Delete |
Andy Mitchel |
andym@hotmail.com |
$1,250,400.00 |
Apr 8, 1984 |
Edit | Delete |
Malcolm Kilmore |
mkilmore@scotts.com |
$589,000.00 |
Dec 24, 2005 |
Edit | Delete |
Marry Robins |
mrobins@robins.com |
$40,000.00 |
Sep 10, 2000 |
Edit | Delete |
Rove Apple |
rove.apple@bignet.com |
$34,000.00 |
Edit | Delete |
Steve Haywood |
steve.haywood@timbercorp.com |
$150,000.00 |
Oct 9, 1998 |
Edit | Delete |
William Thong |
wthong@westnet.com |
$345,000.00 |
Edit | Delete |
Zack Benders |
zack.benders@mycorp.com |
$145,000.00 |
May 24, 1984 |
Edit | Delete |
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