Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:Name | Holdings | Date Joined | Action | |
Albert Nicholes | albertn@gmail.com | $56,000.00 | Edit | Delete | |
Brad Cole | bradc@hotmail.com | Edit | Delete | ||
Jackie Williamson | jackiew@datamart.com | $35,000.00 | Edit | Delete | |
James Fisher | james.filser@fisher.com | $872,050.00 | Feb 17, 2005 | Edit | Delete |
John Quinn | johnq@apple.com | $500,000.00 | Edit | Delete | |
Karl Essel | kessel@ibm.com | $895,000.00 | Feb 7, 1999 | Edit | Delete |
Karren Romanolf | karrenr@albert.net | $284,230.00 | Feb 7, 1992 | Edit | Delete |
Katie Lang | klang@rockit.net | Edit | Delete |