Edit Table
Demonstration of edit table, Form and Table pattern:
Name | Holdings | Date Joined | Action | |
Ally Emery | allye@easymail.com | $10,200.00 | Nov 2, 2004 | Edit | Delete |
Andrew Phips | andyp@mycorp.com | $240,000.00 | Apr 12, 1997 | Edit | Delete |
Devish Smart | dsmart@johnsone.co.uk | Edit | Delete | ||
Malcolm Kilmore | mkilmore@scotts.com | $589,000.00 | Dec 24, 2005 | Edit | Delete |
Mick Cooper | mcoper@gbh.com | $125,000.00 | Edit | Delete | |
Nigel Watershire | nsimonw@hotmail.com | $255,000.00 | Jul 12, 2006 | Edit | Delete |
Peter Hassel | phassel@bigpond.com | $890,000.00 | Jan 21, 2001 | Edit | Delete |
Peter Williams | pwilliams@iinet.net.au | $150,000.00 | Edit | Delete |