Click Examples

Source Viewer : /form/multiple-forms-demo.htm

<p>This page demonstrates Click's support for multiple forms on the same page.</p>

<p>To see how this works, enter and submit a name in either form1 or form2. 
Notice that the value you entered are displayed in the name field after the 

<p>Now click the 'Refresh/Reload' button on your browser. A confirmation dialog
should popup warning you about the dangers of resending form data. Click
'Retry/OK' to continue. At this point Click will receive your second POST, and
notice it is a duplicate.</p>

<p>Because it is a duplicate POST, the request is not processed further and you
will be redirected back to this page. An error message will also be displayed.</p>

<p>For more information on duplicate POSTs please read the section 
<em>"Preventing Accidental Form Posts"</em>
<a target="_blank" href="">
in the Form's JavaDoc.</a></p> 

<p>Also look at the
<a target="_blank" href="$context/source-viewer.htm?filename=WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/click/examples/page/form/">Java Source</a>
to see how this example is implemented.</p>

#set ($error = $session.error) 
#if ($error)
<p class="infoMsg">$error</p>


<div style="border:1px outset #000000;float:left;">
    <h4 style="margin: 0 0 .5em; 
               background:buttonface none repeat scroll 0%;
               border-color:threedhighlight threedshadow threedshadow threedhighlight; 
               border-width:1px;">Form 1</h4>

<br style="clear:left;">

<div style="border:1px outset #000000;float:left;">
    <h4 style="margin: 0 0 .5em; 
               background:buttonface none repeat scroll 0%; 
               border-color:threedhighlight threedshadow threedshadow threedhighlight; 
               border-width:1px;">Form 2</h4>

<br style="clear:left;">