Click Examples

Source Viewer : /control/submit-link-demo.htm

This page demonstrates some usage patterns of the SubmitLink control.


In this first demo is shown how the Form is submitted when the SubmitLink is


#if ($demo1Msg)
<p class="infoMsg"> $demo1Msg</p>


In this second demo is shown how the SubmitLink's parameters are
submitted together with the Form.


#if ($demo2Msg)
<p class="infoMsg"> $demo2Msg</p>


This demo shows how the SubmitLink can be used outside of a Form. When a SubmitLink
is not inside a Form it behaves like a normal ActionLink.


Click $standaloneLink to demonstrate.

#if ($demo3Msg)
<p class="infoMsg"> $demo3Msg</p>


<script type="text/javascript">
    function confirmSubmit(link, formName, msg) {
        var confirm = window.confirm(msg);
        if (confirm) {
            return Click.submitLinkAction(link, formName);
        } else {
            return false;

This demo shows how a confirmation message can be displayed before the
SubmitLink submits the Form.



#if ($demo4Msg)
<p class="infoMsg"> $demo4Msg</p>