Click Examples

Source Viewer : /ajax/compare/prototype-ajax-demo.htm

    Demonstrates Click Ajax support using <a target="_blank" href="">Prototype</a>.
    Compare this <a href="$context/source-viewer.htm?filename=/ajax/compare/prototype-ajax-demo.htm">implementation</a>
    with the <a href="$context/ajax/compare/javascript-ajax-demo.htm">Javascript</a> and
    <a href="$context/ajax/compare/jquery-ajax-demo.htm">jQuery</a> demos.


<div id="target">
<!-- Ajax response will be set here -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="$context/click/prototype/prototype.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    // This example uses Prototype for making Ajax requests:

    // Register a function that is invoked as soon as the DOM is loaded
    document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {

        // Register a 'click' handler that makes an Ajax request
        $('link-id').observe('click', function(event) {
            // Make ajax request

            // Prevent the default browser behavior of navigating to the link

    function makeRequest() {
        // The URL to make the Ajax request on should include enough information
        // for Click to identify the Ajax target control and how to process the control.
        // Normally Click uses the Control ID to identify the Ajax target. Here the
        // target Control is the ActionLink with ID: 'link-id'. The ID parameter is appended to
        // the url with a value of 1. The value is actually ignored by Click so it is optional
        // and can be left out.
        // Once Click identifies the target control it invokes that Control onProcess method.
        // Simply processing a control is normally not enough to fire registered AjaxBehaviors.
        // For example ActionLinks fire off their Behaviors (or ActionListener for non Ajax requests)
        // based the value of the predefined parameter: 'actionLink'. The 'actionLink' parameter
        // value specifies the name of the ActionLink that was clicked. So we append
        // the 'actionLink' parameter and set the value as the ActionLink name -> 'link'.
        var extraData = 'link-id=1&actionLink=link';
        var url = '$context/ajax/compare/prototype-ajax-demo.htm';
        new Ajax.Request(url, {
            parameters: extraData,
            onSuccess: function(transport){

        // The above example is for demonstration purposes only. Normally you can generify the URL by using
        // the link 'href' and 'id' attributes as the URL. The link href already contains the server URL,
        // actionLink, value and extra link parameters:
        var link = $('link-id');
        var url = link.readAttribute('href');
        var extraData = link.readAttribute('id') + '=1';
        new Ajax.Request(url, {
            parameters: extraData,
            onSuccess: function(transport){

    function updateLog(data) {
        $("target").update("<p class='infoMsg'>" + data + "</p>");