Click Examples

Source Viewer : /ajax/compare/javascript-ajax-demo.htm

    Demonstrates Click Ajax support using JavaScript. Compare this
    <a href="$context/source-viewer.htm?filename=/ajax/compare/javascript-ajax-demo.htm">implementation</a>
    with the <a href="$context/ajax/compare/jquery-ajax-demo.htm">jQuery</a> and
    <a href="$context/ajax/compare/prototype-ajax-demo.htm">Prototype</a> demos.


<div id="target">
<!-- Ajax response will be set here -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    // Find the link via its ID attribute
    var el = document.getElementById("link-id");

    // Register an onclick listener that will make an Ajax request
    if (el.addEventListener) {
        // Standard event listener
        el.addEventListener ("click", makeAjaxRequest, false);
    } else if (el.attachEvent) {
        // IE event listener
        el.attachEvent ("onclick", makeAjaxRequest);
    } else {
        // Fallback event listener
        el.onclick = makeAjaxRequest;

    // Function to make Ajax request
    function makeAjaxRequest(event) {
            // IE doesn't pass event, instead event is available from window
            event = window.event;

        // The URL to make the Ajax request on should include enough information
        // for Click to identify the Ajax target control and how to process the control.
        // Normally Click uses the Control ID to identify the Ajax target. Here the
        // target Control is the ActionLink with ID: 'link-id'. The ID parameter is appended to
        // the url with a value of 1. The value is actually ignored by Click so it is optional
        // and can be left out.
        // Once Click identifies the target control it invokes that Control onProcess method.
        // Simply processing a control is normally not enough to fire registered AjaxBehaviors.
        // For example ActionLinks fire off their Behaviors (or ActionListener for non Ajax requests)
        // based the value of the predefined parameter: 'actionLink'. The 'actionLink' parameter
        // value specifies the name of the ActionLink that was clicked. So we append
        // the 'actionLink' parameter and set the value as the ActionLink name -> 'link'.
        var url = "$context/ajax/compare/javascript-ajax-demo.htm?" + "link-id=1&actionLink=link";

        // The above example is for demonstration purposes only. Normally you can generify the URL by using
        // the link 'href' and 'id' attributes as the URL. The link href already contains the server URL,
        // actionLink, value and extra link parameters.
        // var url = el.getAttribute("href") + '&' + el.getAttribute("id") + '=1';

        // Create hthe XMLHttpRequest object. Not all IE versions support XMLHttpRequest so check for ActiveXObject
        var request = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true);

        // Set content-type header
        request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");

        // Set the X-Requested-With header. This way Click knows its an Ajax request.
        // This header is the de-facto standard; most Ajax libraries such as Prototype, JQuery, Mootools, YUI
        // set this header
        request.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");

        request.onreadystatechange = function() {
            // request.readystate of 4 means the Ajax request is complete and the response has been received
            // request.status of 200 means the request was successful
            if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
                if (request.responseText) {

        // Prevent the default link action and do nothing
            // IE does not support preventDefault, instead set the returnValue to false
            event.returnValue = false;

    function updateLog(response) {
        var div = document.getElementById("target");

        div.innerHTML = "<p class='infoMsg'>" + response + "</p>";