Click Examples

Source Viewer : /ajax/ajax-secure.htm

<!-- Ajax response will be set here -->
<div id="result" class="errorMsg">
  #set ($flash = "")
  #set ($flash = $session.flash)
  #if ($flash != "")

Clicking the link will perform a redirect and display a permission denied message: $secureLinkWithRedirect


Clicking the link will show a permission denied message without doing a redirect: $secureLinkWithMessage

<script type="text/javascript" src="$context/assets/js/jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    // This example uses jQuery for making Ajax requests:

    // Register a function that is invoked as soon as the DOM is loaded
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        var resultElm = jQuery("#result")

        // Hide the result div initially if it contains no content
        if (jQuery.trim(resultElm.text()).length == 0) {
          resultElm.css("display", "none");
        } else {
            resultElm.css("display", "block");

        // Register a 'click' handler that makes an Ajax request
            // Make ajax request

            // Prevent the default browser behavior of navigating to the link
            return false;

 // Register a 'click' handler that makes an Ajax request
            // Make ajax request

            // Prevent the default browser behavior of navigating to the link
            return false;

    function redirectLinkClicked() {
        var link = jQuery('#secureLinkWithRedirectId');
        var extraData = link.attr('id') + '=1';
        var url = link.attr('href');
        jQuery.get(url, extraData, function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
            // Retrieve the url to redirect from the Ajax response header
            var redirect_url = xhr.getResponseHeader('REDIRECT_URL');
            // Perform the redirect
            window.location = redirect_url;


    function messageLinkClicked() {
        var link = jQuery('#secureLinkWithMessageId');
        var extraData = link.attr('id') + '=1';
        var url = link.attr('href');

        jQuery.get(url, extraData, function(data) {
            // 'data' is the response received from the server

            // We select the div element with the ID 'result' and set its
            // content to the server response
            var el = jQuery("#result").html(data);

            // Make the element visible
            el.css("display", "block");
