Click Examples

Multiple Forms Demo

This page demonstrates Click's support for multiple forms on the same page.

To see how this works, enter and submit a name in either form1 or form2. Notice that the value you entered are displayed in the name field after the submit.

Now click the 'Refresh/Reload' button on your browser. A confirmation dialog should popup warning you about the dangers of resending form data. Click 'Retry/OK' to continue. At this point Click will receive your second POST, and notice it is a duplicate.

Because it is a duplicate POST, the request is not processed further and you will be redirected back to this page. An error message will also be displayed.

For more information on duplicate POSTs please read the section "Preventing Accidental Form Posts" in the Form's JavaDoc.

Also look at the Java Source to see how this example is implemented.

Form 1


Form 2