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eBook DRM Services

Creating a digital version of your book will give it greater exposure and open up new opportunities for revenue generation. The ease with which you can transmit and deliver eBooks reduces overheads significantly, but it also paves the way for piracy: anyone can download your eBook, make copies and share or sell them. This is one of the core reasons that stops publishers and authors from adopting the whole e-Publishing concept.

While different platforms like Apple and Amazon offer DRM, they insist on a tie-up, and books with DRM from one platform are not always readable on other platforms. For regional language publishers and writers, there is no easy way of selling books online securely.

e-Shabda’s DRM Solutions

We are first company in Gujarat to offer DRM solutions for eBooks. We use Adobe Digital Editions (ADEPT) to copy protect your books because it supports almost all e-readers, smartphones and tablets. Here’s how it works, in simple words:

  • You can think of DRM as a lock. Unless the right key is applied, it won’t open.
  • DRM uses encrypted code in the book than can specify duration for access to book as well as set a limit to number of devices on which it can be accessed.
  • We place a DRM on your book, and the reader can access the book only through an Adobe account. The account is the key which opens the DRM lock.
  • Readers simply need to enter name and email address to create an account in seconds.
  • Once the reader downloads your book or magazines, he can access it through any (ADEPT supported) six devices, anytime, simply by logging in.
  • As every eBook is tied to an account, it is not possible for more than one person to access the same copy.

Our Digital Rights Management services ensure that your eBooks are not copied. We provide DRM to the writers and publishers who place their books on e-Shabda’s e-shabda.com and Indian-Ebooks.com platform, and we also cater to the specific needs of independent authors, publishers and third-party portals that sell eBooks through other channels. We use the latest Adobe Content Server 4 to protect your books from online piracy, and will help you securely sell or rent books on:

  • e-Shabda platform
  • Your own website
  • Any third-party portal

Our DRM and copy protection is close to fool-proof, and our services are affordable for small and medium publishers too. If you plan to sell your books on the Internet, get in touch with us and protect your eBooks from online piracy.